In the delicate balance of nature and human habitation, conflicts with wildlife are inevitable. Whether you’re an avid gardener, a farmer tending to crops, or simply a homeowner looking to protect your property, the need for effective animal deterrents has become increasingly apparent. As we coexist with the diverse arrayRead More

Bear conflict, in large, is driven by food in Alberta. Margo Supplies Heavy Duty fence is the tool of choice for homeowners, hobby farms, and industry professionals. The Heavy Duty fence is a multi-functional carnivore fence that can be a standalone fence system or can be installed on an existingRead More

Margo Supplies carries a variety of Margo Electra Scare Cannons Please note, each of the following cannons uses the Margo Electra Scare Cannon (1100) as a base model. Compare the models to find the best Electra for you. Margo Electra Scare Cannon (Base Model) 1100 The Margo Electra Scare CannonRead More

Margo Supplies provides the Best Launchers for wildlife management. Compare the models of Scare Cartridge Launchers to find the best launchers for you Margo Thunderstick (#5800) a non-gun launcher designed specifically for the airport and industrial use. The Thunderstick is easy to use and has 3 safety mechanisms: A safety switch, a pin,Read More

ABOUT  The Margo Gadfly is effective at scaring a large variety of wildlife with its motion-activated siren alarm and flashing scare eye. Portable, sturdy, and weather-resistant, the Gadfly protects against most mammals. From deterring elk from feeding on haystacks, deer eating in vegetable gardens, or even cougars from attacking livestock, the Gadfly does itRead More

Birds rely on their sight more than any other sense, so it’s no surprise that our visual pyrotechnics provide great results for wildlife managers at airports, landfills, and beyond. Here’s a look at some of our specialty 15mm visual pyrotechnic scare cartridges: Comet Bangers (#6010): Range of 15m/50ft. Comet Bangers are aRead More

Whenever people live, work, or play in bear country, they bring a multitude of bear attractants with them.  Bears are intelligent and curious animals, as well as opportunistic feeders with a strong sense of smell. Anything from beehives, to latrines, or used engine oil can cause an unwelcome visit fromRead More

As the weather cools down, you’re likely not considering installing bear fencing. If you are a cottage owner, trapper, or outfitter with a cabin, however, it is strongly recommended you consider bear fencing to protect your assets. If you’re not careful, your cabin might receive a visit from an uninvitedRead More

You open the flap on your tent and gaze at the vista before you. The Alaskan coastal estuary stretches before you bathed in greens and golds in the morning light. Beyond, the pine forest extends up the slopes of the coastal mountains, turning into the blues and whites of theRead More


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