When dealing with wildlife, a humane approach is always the best option. Live animal traps provide a safe and effective way to capture and relocate animals without causing them harm. Choosing the right live animal trap is essential for both the safety of the animal and the success of yourRead More

About The Margo Luminous Tracking Collar is the result of four years of re-imagining wildlife tracking technology. We incorporated a single housing design, solar charging, and state-of-the-art reception which unlocks performance never before seen in a two-way satellite tracking collar. Our 170g device can collect hourly GPS fixes on aRead More

Bear conflict, in large, is driven by food in Alberta. Margo Supplies Heavy Duty fence is the tool of choice for homeowners, hobby farms, and industry professionals. The Heavy Duty fence is a multi-functional carnivore fence that can be a standalone fence system or can be installed on an existingRead More

Most bear sprays use a propellant that is being phased out in Canada and the USA, why? In the world of wildlife management and technology, we are constantly searching for new ways to make it easier for humans to co-exist with our natural surroundings. While many products cater to industryRead More

If you work or visit areas where bears may be present, you might have been told to “be prepared with bear spray”, but what is actually in bear spray and how does it work? In short, bear spray is the last line of defense against bear attacks. While many bearRead More

Enjoying warm summer days vacationing with family or friends is likely to include some time in nature away from the concrete jungle. When you head out to enjoy some clean air and adventure in the wilderness, take the Boy Scout motto to heart and “Be Prepared”. You may remember toRead More

Whenever people live, work, or play in bear country, they bring a multitude of bear attractants with them.  Bears are intelligent and curious animals, as well as opportunistic feeders with a strong sense of smell. Anything from beehives, to latrines, or used engine oil can cause an unwelcome visit fromRead More

Human-bear conflict is an ongoing challenge to both conservation efforts and in the daily lives of the people who live and work in bear country.  Grizzly bears attracted to human food sources can destroy private property, cause significant economic losses, and even cause public safety concerns. However, through cooperation amongRead More

The snow is starting to fly in the Rockies and for a growing number of outdoor recreationists, this means strapping on snowshoes, ski boots, or crampons. But amid all the specialized winter gear, bear spray is often absent with backcountry enthusiasts. After a busy autumn packing on the calories, mostRead More

As the weather cools down, you’re likely not considering installing bear fencing. If you are a cottage owner, trapper, or outfitter with a cabin, however, it is strongly recommended you consider bear fencing to protect your assets. If you’re not careful, your cabin might receive a visit from an uninvitedRead More

Press Release– Margo Supplies is proud to announce our involvement in a new computer modeling study over the next year. We will work alongside Dr. Lael Parrott of UBC – Okanagan to research the best methods for reducing human-bear conflicts in Whistler, BC in Canada. Dr. Parrott has received federalRead More

You open the flap on your tent and gaze at the vista before you. The Alaskan coastal estuary stretches before you bathed in greens and golds in the morning light. Beyond, the pine forest extends up the slopes of the coastal mountains, turning into the blues and whites of theRead More


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