Bird Gard Super Pro Amp

SKU: 1810
The most powerful Bird Gard available – one unit protects up to 30 acres by broadcasting raptor and bird in distress calls.
$4,875.00 USD

EPROM Chip for Bird Gard

SKU: 1817
Additional sounds chips for the Bird Gard audio repellers. Covers most North American pest species.
$65.00 USD

Bird Scare Octopus

SKU: 2202
The Bird Scare Octopus uses the predator motion concept to pose a threat to unwanted birds. For best results, hang the octopus above the area(s) to be protected allowing plenty of room for movement and good visibility.
$12.00 USD
Bird Scare Laser from Margo Supplies

Bird Scare Laser – Adjustable Beam

SKU: 2300
Safe, effective bird scare laser. Adjustable beam provides max power to extend daylight effectiveness and broader beam for low-light use.
$50.00 USD

Reflective Flash Tape

SKU: 1903
Great value! A simple, affordable, and highly effective bird deterrent. The unusual flashing confuses and frightens birds.
$4.00 USD
Holographic Bird Repel Tape

Holographic Bird Repel Tape

SKU: 2204
The Holographic Bird Repel Tape reflects blinding flashes of sunlight and makes noise. Affordable visual element to scare program.
$5.00 USD
Holographic Iridescent Guardian Owl

Holographic Guardian Owl

SKU: 2203
The Holographic Iridescent Guardian Owl creates bright reflective flashes, keeping birds frightened and on edge.
$18.00 USD
Scare-Eye Balloon from Margo Supplies

Scare-Eye Balloon

SKU: 2200
The Scare-Eye Balloon startles and confuses birds. Works as stand-alone product or in combination with audio deterrents.
$5.85 USD
Osprey Kite Decoy from Margo Supplies

Osprey Kite Decoy

SKU: 2503
The Margo Osprey Kite Decoy flies in the breeze, realistically simulating a hunting Osprey in flight, scaring other prey bird species away. Can be used on it's own or with a pole.
$54.60 USD