
How Effective Are Bird Lasers?

Bird lasers produce a large visible point of light that can be used to scare away problem birds.

Many bird species associate this light with a predator like behaviour and flee when exposed to the visible light pattern. The most effective bird lasers produce a wide beam, as opposed to a narrow beam in the conventional laser pointers. Green beams generally seem to produce the best results.

Bird lasers have a number of control applications but are especially useful for moving birds from their roosts. At Margo Supplies, we’ve tested lasers on a variety of North American pest species with good results overall and have found them to be especially effective on Canada Geese.

Lasers are particularly useful in situations where it is not possible to use other more invasive audio deterrents, such as disturbing birds from roosts in and around warehouses, barns, and close to airport terminals.

An effective technique is to repeatedly treat roosting sites at dawn and at dusk, this gives birds time to find alternative roosts outside your control area. Diurnal birds will typically not flee a roost area in full dark, no matter how much pressure you put them under so it is important to begin laser treatment as soon as they return back to their roost.

The most effective technique is to use the beam of light to slowly approach the roosting site, remember that birds perceive the laser light as a predator-like presence and so you must leave them an escape path. For indoor use, use the laser beam to “herd” birds towards and exit.

While bird lasers can be an effective deterrent, many jurisdictions have laws prohibiting high-power lasers. In Canada, only handheld lasers with an output of >5mW are allowed (class 3a or lower), such as our fly-away laser.

Power restrictions do somewhat limit laser applications as these lasers will not produce a very visible light during bright daylight. However, we’ve found these tools to be especially effective at chasing birds from roosts sites, which is typically done in low light situations. In addition, high-power lasers can pose safety hazards, particularly in aviation environments.

As with all deterrents, bird lasers have both strengths and drawbacks and should be looked at as one tool in your bird control toolbox. Using a wide variety of affordable tools allows your team to react to diverse species and situations while preventing birds from becoming habituated from one type of deterrent.

See our selection of aviation specific non-lethal bird deterrents here.

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